Let's collab
A special offer for verified artists: enjoy a luxurious stay at the NashVilla for a special rate in exchange for sharing a few social posts about your experience. This house has everything you need for a writer's retreat in Music City, or for a relaxing weekend without anything on the docket at all.
We may just throw some NashVilla merch your way as well 😉
Interested in using the NashVilla writing/recording rooms? Contact our team to book a session directly.
Our writing/recording rooms are also available to members of Nashville's nonprofit music production community - HOME (Helping Our Music Evolve).
HOME is a membership organization that provides key resources, connections, and guidance for artists, producers, and other music industry professionals. Music is such an important part of the NashVilla brand and mission, so we were excited to learn about the work that HOME is doing in the Nashville community and beyond.
Through our partnership with HOME, the NashVilla writing/recording rooms are now a part of the 'HOME Studio Network', and can be booked for sessions through HOME's Online platform. You can learn all about the benefits of HOME Membership through their website.
Gear List
MIDI Keyboard:
Impact GX61 61-key Impact GX Controller
ATHM40x Closed-back Monitoring
WA47Jr Nickel Condenser
(2) XLR 25'
Mic Stands:
(2) Tripod w/Boom
Audio Interface:
Scarlett 2i2G3-T5V 2x2 USB
Adam Audio T5V 5" T Series